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Q&A with Joyce L.

February 23, 2023


Welcome to Member Money Moments – a Q&A series sharing the wisdom, struggles, success, and goals of our Happy Money Members as they navigate their journey to financial freedom.

Financial Wellness

How does money and or debt affect your mental health?

😐 No impact

What do you find is the most difficult challenge you face when it comes to money?

💰Saving Money
✍️ Creating A Budget

FinEd 101

What do you wish you knew about money growing up?

I wish I knew more about debt to income - how to build a better credit score.

What topics would you most like to learn about when it comes to money?

💸 Learning good spending habits
💳 How to manage debt
💰 How to save + achieve financial freedom
😊 Healthy budgeting techniques
🧘 Tools to assist with financial wellness & money

What is one piece of advice you would give to others on their personal finance journey?

I promise you, no matter how stuck you feel and no matter how much debt you're drowning in, YOU CAN get it under control if you take it one small step at a time!

What’s your first financial goal when you become debt free?

Do not bite off more than you can chew. And to make more than the minimum payment or you'll never get out.

In what way did Happy Money assist you in your personal finance journey?

As a single mom, things were tight even with the child support. It was easy, too easy to put things on a credit card and make the minimum payment. When my ex got hurt and the child support stopped I found myself upside down. I had been trying to start small and pay off cards - I took a chance with Happy Money to consolidate all these cards with a way cheaper rate. And actually have things paid off. I am able to breath again and not live check to check.